Monday, December 17, 2007

The beginning...

Who would have thought over 15 years ago, that this is where I'd be! Married, with 3 kids and overcome so many obstacles in such a short time frame.

In 1995 we were blessed with a beautiful baby girl, Hailey Morgan Iuliano! She's just as beautiful today as the day she was born. Smart, cute, tall and even funny! What a great big sister and roll model for her younger sister and brother.

In 1998, on National Heart Day, a special little girl was born! Brianna Marie Lucy Iuliano has taught us more than any Degree/Diploma could ever teach us. Breezy (as we all call her) and overcome many obstacles in her life. Born with Trisomy 21, she had open heart surgery at 5 months old, and endured many other medical hurdles. Most recently, Breezy was diagnosed with Leukemia, which I am happy to say is in remission! Sher smile, laughter, sense of humour, along with her mischevious ways, makes Breezy someone special!

In 1999 our Prince arrived, yes, Vince the Prince. What a wonderful addition to our family. He's a special little boy who is quite smart and enjoys playing soccer. He's constanly on the go. He's definitely a momma's boy! Vince is very good to his sister Breezy and watches out for her!

Our family has endured a lot in the past 3 years, but thank goodness we have each other to help us through these difficult times. That's what family is for!!!

I'll try to keep this blog updated as much as possible, so stay tuned!!